Sangsurya Trust
Sangsurya Retreat Centre
Our legacy of generosity
Sangsurya has consistently lived up to its name, “a place where the sun reaches everybody” by hosting high-quality spiritual and life education retreats throughout these many years. It has thrived to become a very popular retreat venue, expanding in size and capacity to retain a solid base of mindfulness meditation, health and personal development teachers. Tony and Mona’s vision has been realised, with much gratitude from all who have benefitted from being in retreat here.
Before he passed, Tony stated in his Will that he would like a Discretionary Trust to be established to continue to operate Sangsurya as a health and meditation retreat centre for many years to come. The Sangsurya Trust was established on 1st April 2019, with a selected Board of Trustees as per Tony’s wishes.
Scholarships to attend retreats
As part of continuing to give back to community, we offer a number of subsidised places on our Insight Meditation Retreats for those who may be socially, economically, culturally or physically disadvantaged.